3 February 2024Insights

Tackling time delays with bespoke software development

Mary Speakman
Mary Speakman Managing Director Got a question?
software challenges

When you commission a bespoke software project, you’re investing in a tool tailored to your specific needs—a decision that promises significant value to your business. However, software development is complex, and projects can sometimes take longer than anticipated.

This guide is for businesses navigating the delays in bespoke software projects, offering strategies to manage these situations effectively and maintain a positive trajectory toward project completion.

Understanding the Causes of Delays

Delays can stem from various sources, such as unexpected technical challenges, changes in project scope, or resource availability. It’s important to have a clear understanding of why delays are happening.

  • What to Do: Engage in open discussions with your software development team. Ask for clear explanations about the causes of delays and what measures are being taken to address them. This understanding will help you make informed decisions moving forward.

Revisiting Your Project Expectations

Sometimes, the vision we start with needs adjustment as the project evolves. If delays occur, it may be an opportunity to reassess your expectations and priorities.

  • What to Do: Review the project’s goals and deliverables with your development team. Determine if there are features that can be modified or postponed to streamline the project without compromising the core value of the software to your business.

Staying Flexible and Adaptive

Flexibility can be a valuable asset when dealing with project delays. Being open to adjustments in the project timeline or scope can help keep the project moving forward.

  • What to Do: Work with your development team to identify areas where flexibility can help overcome obstacles. This might involve reprioritising certain functionalities based on their importance to your business objectives.

Maintaining Open and Regular Communication

Effective communication is key to managing any project, especially when facing delays. Keeping the lines of communication open with your development team ensures that you’re always in the loop and able to make timely decisions.

  • What to Do: Schedule regular status updates and insist on transparency regarding the project’s progress. Use these meetings to discuss any concerns, adjust plans, and reaffirm your project’s priorities.

Seeking Assurance on Quality

While delays can be frustrating, it’s crucial that the final product meets your standards. Sacrificing quality for the sake of speed can lead to more problems in the long run.

  • What to Do: Emphasise the importance of quality to your development team. Discuss how the project’s timeline adjustments will not compromise the quality of the software. Ensure there’s a plan in place for thorough testing before the project is finalised.

Exploring Additional Support Options

If your project is significantly behind schedule, consider whether additional resources or expertise could help catch up.

  • What to Do: Discuss with your development team the possibility of bringing in extra support. This could involve additional developers, consultants, or adopting new tools to expedite certain aspects of the project.

Dealing with Software Challenges

Delays in bespoke software projects can be challenging, but they don’t have to derail your plans. By understanding the causes, revisiting your expectations, staying flexible, maintaining open communication, focusing on quality, and exploring additional support options, you can navigate these delays effectively. Remember, the goal is to achieve a high-quality software solution that meets your business needs, even if it takes a little longer to get there. Patience and collaboration with your development team will be key to successfully overcoming these hurdles.

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