22 July 2022Insights

5 Reasons your business needs a mobile app

Mary Speakman
Mary Speakman Managing Director Got a question?
5 Reasons your business needs a mobile app

Have you ever noticed that most mobile phone users are rarely far away from their mobile device? Walk around a shopping centre, and you’re guaranteed to see plenty of people either using their phone or at the very least holding them in their hands. Make a game and count how many phones you can spot in five minutes – the number might surprise you.

It isn’t a surprise, considering how many different applications can be found on a mobile. It is the digital equivalent of a Swiss army knife. Phone users glued to their mobile handsets have created some interesting opportunities for businesses to maximise their engagement, sales and growth.

Does my business need an app?

If you think mobile apps are solely for huge brands – then you are mistaken. More and more smaller – medium sized businesses are following the trend and creating mobile applications for their business. If you want to stay ahead of the game, your business might need a mobile app too. Here are some of the reasons why:

1. It helps with your sales funnel

Apps can provide a lot of information to your customers. They can provide general information, prices, booking forms, search features, user accounts, news feeds and much more. In effect, apps hold all the information your ideal customer/customer is looking for.

One of the biggest benefits of having a mobile application is the fact it can help with your sales funnel. You can use push notifications to promote special sales and promotions. You can have direct interactions to remind them about your products or services.

2. It adds value to your customers

There is no point in having an app if it doesn’t add value to the people using the app. Whether that be your customers or your team. With an app, there is plenty of extra value you can offer. For example, you might provide rewards or incentives to your customers. Or you might share crucial information with your team.

3. Stand out from the competition

There are many small businesses that won’t be using an app within their company; growing your business with innovative digital products will set you apart from your competitors.

4. Improve customer engagement

Your customer needs to be able to reach you, an app can help you communicate better with them. Having a messaging / chat feature on your app can help provide a better service and engage your customers.

5. Have an avenue for customer feedback

Mobile apps are great for capturing user feedback. Whilst they are on your platform, ask them questions, or allow them to submit responses about their experience with your business. Understanding what your customers experience with your company will allow you to continue to reflect, improve and grow.

Build an App

If you have an idea for a mobile application for your business, get in touch with the team at Code Galaxy, we are ready to help you launch a new app.

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