10 January 2024Company news

Code Galaxy Engages in Lancashire Scaleup Roundtable

Mary Speakman
Mary Speakman Managing Director Got a question?
Lancashire Scaleup Roundtable

It was an honor for Code Galaxy, Lancashire’s leading software development agency, to participate in a pivotal scaleup roundtable organised by Lancashire County Council’s Two Zero at County Hall.

This marked a significant moment in our ongoing journey of scaling up our operations in this vibrant region.

The roundtable provided a platform for candid discussions among influential figures in Lancashire’s business community, including our team at Code Galaxy. We delved into the real challenges faced by businesses like ours—specifically, the need for skilled talent, effective leadership strategies, and improved access to finance.

As a company navigating the exciting path of growth, these discussions hit close to home. The acknowledgment of these challenges at a county-wide level demonstrated a shared commitment to addressing the unique needs of businesses in Lancashire. The emphasis on collaboration between the public and private sectors resonated with our vision for sustainable growth.

The recently announced devolution deal, granting Lancashire greater autonomy over its decisions and funding, adds an extra layer of importance to our scaling journey.

We recognise the potential impact of this empowerment on businesses like Code Galaxy, fostering an environment conducive to growth and innovation.

We extend our gratitude to Two Zero, Boost Lancashire, and other key partners in Lancashire who have been instrumental in providing support and fostering a collaborative ecosystem for businesses like ours. The ongoing development of a county-wide scaleup strategy aligns seamlessly with our aspirations for the future.

Looking ahead, Code Galaxy is excited about the opportunity to contribute to Lancashire’s transformation into a hub for thriving and innovative businesses. The commitment to collaboration, coupled with the development of a strategic playbook, underscores our shared vision for Lancashire—a region where businesses can scale effectively, supported by a dynamic and collaborative business ecosystem.

In just a few short years, we’ve witnessed Lancashire’s rapid progress in recognising the significance of scaleups and the need for tailored support.

As we collectively work towards making Lancashire a powerhouse for scaleup businesses, Code Galaxy remains dedicated to playing our part in shaping the dynamic and forward-thinking business landscape of this remarkable region.

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